

Belkyra® is a tool we waited a long time for: a minimally-invasive way to treat double chins through targeted permanent reduction of fat cells.

Belkyra® is an FDA-approved injectable treatment that destroys fat cells in the area under the chin (the submental area). When injected under the chin in multiple sites, it bursts the fat cells locally, leading to a permanent reduction. Fat released from the fat cells is transferred into the liver by the body’s natural healing processes and is excreted. Belkyra® is a prescription only medicine, and so treatment should only be administered by doctors trained in its use. Although Belkyra® doesn’t restrict your activities, you will be swollen after treatment, so you may not wish to go straight back to work. Your double chin will get approximately twice as big for a least a couple of days, and remain swollen for up to 14 days. This swelling is actually crucial to your result. It is a sign of successful treatment as the body disposes of the broken fat cells. Belkyra® treatment does not need to be repeated like Botox® or fillers. Once you have completed your course of treatment, you shouldn’t need to repeat the treatment because fat cells do not re-grow. In multiple clinical trials Belkyra® has been proven effective and long lasting with an excellent safety profile.
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