
Dermal Fillers

Nicer shape, smoother texture, better volume. As we age our faces change shape as we lose fat and in some places bone.

This can lead to a “tired” look as our skin sags with less support. Carefully placing precise amounts of dermal filler injected under the skin can restore this lost volume.

Modern dermal fillers used at the Cosmetic & Veins Clinic are clear gels made of hyaluronan — a natural carbohydrate found in skin, which declines as we age. Fillers are mostly used in the lips, chin and mid-face, and are a great way to improve facial contours.

Fillers are normally injected following a consultation where a treatment plan is developed, and used as part of that plan to achieve a natural look. Treatments are virtually painless as treatment areas are numbed with anaesthetic cream or injections. Fillers last between six months and two years. They can be dissolved out.
For our patient’s safety we only use fillers that can be dissolved.

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