Vein Conditions

Spider Veins

What Are Spider Veins?

Spider veins, also known as broken veins or thread veins, are small damaged blood vessels beneath the skin, appearing red, blue, or purple. They often form in clusters resembling spider webs or tree branches, hence their name.

Spider veins are typically harmless and asymptomatic, and treatment options are usually explored for cosmetic considerations. At Cosmetic & Veins Clinic, we offer a range of safe, modern treatments with minimal discomfort and recovery time.

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What Causes Spider Veins?

The causes of spider veins differ whether they appear on your face, chest or your legs.

Spider Veins on Face and Chest

Facial spider veins also known as telangiectasia, can appear at any age but tend to become more prominent as we grow older. Genetically, if your parents or close relatives have facial spider veins, the likelihood of you developing them yourself is significantly higher.

Most Common Causes

Sun Exposure: In New Zealand, sun exposure is a leading cause. Prolonged sun damage affects the veins’ lining, causing them to dilate and become visible on the skin. These veins are often more noticeable during extreme weather conditions, whether hot or cold.

Environmental Pollutants: Exposure to environmental pollutants can damage the skin and irritate veins, making them more visible.

Hormonal Changes: Hormonal fluctuations, especially during pregnancy, can lead to increased pigmentation (chloasma) and the appearance of spider veins on the face and chest.

Alcohol Consumption: Regular alcohol intake dilates blood vessels temporarily, which, over time, can result in persistent spider veins on the nose, face, and chest.

Rosacea: Spider veins on the nose and cheeks are often associated with rosacea, a condition characterised by facial redness and a flushed appearance. Triggers include temperature extremes, spicy foods, and alcohol.

Spider Veins in Legs

Spider Veins or Telangectasias in the legs can often be caused by a faulty valve or a weakened vein wall, often leading to vein dilation. This dilation hampers the vein’s ability to push blood back up to the heart, resulting in blood pooling and increased pressure within the vein. This condition often manifests as spider veins on the skin surface. Reticular veins are slightly larger and darker in colour than spider veins and are often treated in the same way.

Spider, reticular and varicose veins stem from the same underlying issue: venous insufficiency, where blood returning from the legs to the heart is inefficient.

12 Month Spider Vein Treatment Results

Individual Results May Vary

before treatment

Before Treatment

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After UGS (Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy) 6 months later

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After first Sclerotherapy 8 months later

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After second Sclerotherapy 9 months later

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After Vascular Laser Treatment 11 months later

Does My Health Insurance Cover My Treatment?

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Spider Veins Removal & Treatments

At Cosmetic & Veins Clinic, our commitment to friendly excellence is reflected in the results we achieve. Explore the range of transformations our patients have enjoyed.

Individual Results May Vary

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Spider Veins Treatment


Microsclerotherapy is a procedure where a very fine needle is used to inject sclerosant into reticular and spider veins. This shrinks and closes off the veins, which are then gradually absorbed by the body over several weeks.

Vascular Laser (ND:YAG)

Vascular laser treatment directs heat to the blood in spider veins, causing vessels to close. Treated veins are then naturally absorbed by the body within a few weeks.

Spider Veins Prevention

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding extended periods of sitting or standing can help prevent spider veins in the legs. Sun protection and proper skin care are a key preventative for spider veins on the face and chest.

Some measures can be effective strategies for preventing the initial formation of spider veins in the legs, and can also help prevent the recurrence of spider veins.

These include:

  • Staying active and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Avoiding prolonged sitting or standing to reduce vein pressure.
  • Elevating your legs while seated to aid drainage and reduce vein stress.
  • Wearing compression stockings for external support to prevent spider and varicose veins.

Prevention of spider veins on the face and chest comes down to protection of the skin.

We recommend:

  • Use sunscreen consistently and wear protective clothing and hats.
  • Consider make-up to reduce visibility and provide sun protection.
  • Incorporate effective skincare products like topical vitamin C and vitamin A to improve skin health, and thicken the dermal layer by collagen stimulation.
  • Complement IPL treatments with a consultation with our skin therapist for a medically-active skincare plan.
  • Those with rosacea or facial redness should avoid triggers such as spicy food and alcohol.
spider veins legs

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